Four consortia enter the prototyping and lab testing phase

PRESS RELEASE 29 MAY 2019 Four consortia enter the prototyping and lab testing phase of the FABULOS pre-commercial procurement for self-driving shuttle services The FABULOS procuring partners have awarded four international consortia with contracts. Based on the results of their feasibility study, each consortium will develop a prototype of a smart system that can operate…

Interested in piloting in Las Vegas?

In order to bring European State of the Art in autonomous urban mobility to the American market, the Nevada Center for Advanced Mobility is inviting enquiries from FABULOS participants who would be interested in engaging resources in Las Vegas, Nevada…

Request for Tenders launched on 1 September

On 1 September an international Request for Tender will be launched to acquire systems capable of operating fleets of automated minibuses within urban areas. All companies or consortia can apply, with the provision that at least 50% of the R&D…

Open Market Consultation Summary

In order to solve the FABULOS challenge, the Open Market Consultation was launched in the spring of 2018. This was the pre-phase of the FABULOS pre-commercial procurement and it spanned the first half year of the project aiming to get…