The FABULOS project is now finalised

As the 3 year-long FABULOS project has now come to its close, we are pleased to state that FABULOS has been able to successfully capture the main learnings and recommendations for the future deployment of the different automated mobility solutions developed within the FABULOS project.


Press release: Robot bus fleets have been successfully tested in five European cities 21.06.2021 - Within the FABULOS project, three different robot bus solutions have been successfully tested in Finland, Norway, Estonia, Greece and the Netherlands. The… ...

Key learnings from the FABULOS project 27.04.2021 - As the FABULOS project has now come to its close, we are pleased to state that FABULOS has been able to successfully… ...

Status of autonomous public transport in Portugal 26.04.2021 - STCP is the public transport authority for the Porto metropolitan area in Portugal and is one of the six Procuring Partners of… ...

Tell us your opinion on robot buses! 05.02.2021 - FABULOS Project has been piloting self-driving buses in five European countries. During these field tests, citizens were encouraged to hop on board… ...

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Upcoming events

FABULOS Final Conference - Helsinki, 18 February 2021 During the Final Conference will dive deeper into the three different prototype solutions tested in 2020. The experiences from… ...

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Renske Martijnse-Hartikka
Forum Virium Helsinki
Tel. +358 40 683 7979