ITS European Congress

The Congress Programme offers delegates an unparalleled opportunity to learn about the latest ITS technologies and new mobility concepts.
Experts from the mobility sector are invited to submit contributions for various types of sessions to share innovative ideas and lessons learnt, discuss mobility challenges that cities are facing today and how they can be addressed through ITS solutions.

The ITS European Congress the largest event entirely dedicated to smart mobility and digitalisation of transport is organised by ERTICO – ITS Europe. The ITS European Congress is part of a bigger cluster of ITS Congresses. It is organised in a European city in the years where there is no ITS World Congress in Europe. For all European Congresses, ERTICO and its Partners work closely with the European Commission and the host city to deliver an outstanding event built around three pillars International Programme sessions and presentations with top speakers from the industry, demonstrations of the current transport technologies developed and deployed throughout the world and exhibition of cutting-edge companies

At ITS European Congress, during the theme ‘The Mobility R-evolution: the resilient, new, green, vision in ITS” Technical Project Manager Ulla Tikkanen presents FABULOS project under title: “Shared autonomous mobility in Helsinki – Hype vs. Reality”.

9-10 November 2020

