Without acceptance by citizens, shared autonomous mobility innovations will never become a widespread mode of transportation. Therefore, in the FABULOS requirements, there was a non-functional requirement that included carrying out passenger surveys during the Field Testing phase of pre-commercial procurement. This was done between April 2020 and March 2021 in 5 out of the 6 pilot locations: the pilot of Sensible4 in Gjesdal, Norway had to be driven without passengers and no survey could be done there.
The surveys in the pilot sites consisted of a set of mandatory questions. In addition to mandatory questions related to, for example, satisfaction, perceived safety and ease of use, the Phase 3 consortia and the partnering cities were given the opportunity to add some questions specific to their local pilots. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic from spring 2020 onwards, only a limited number of passengers were allowed on board the shuttles and therefore the number of completed surveys was relatively low during the field tests. In Helsinki the number of completed surveys was 12, in Tallinn 51, in Gjesdal 59, in Helmond 20 and in Lamia 31, totalling 173 answers. The survey questionnaires were filled in either by using an online platform or by paper and pen.
There is a summary report for every individual pilot site, as well as an overall user acceptance summary report integrating and comparing all answers. This overall summary report does not only include passenger survey results from all sites, but also results from a survey held with 79 non-users. These are people who have never driven an automated bus. The report draws conclusions and also includes background information on key results from other autonomous shuttle bus pilots around Europe.
Based on the summary reports, some observations can be made. The average scores of all pilots indicate that the passengers consider the ride with autonomous shuttles as a positive experience. A large majority of respondents indicated that they would be willing to include autonomous buses as part of their daily travel routines. However, some of the comments reflected the wish for higher speeds or smoother braking. Comparing results of the users and the non-users it becomes clear that passengers need positive experiences with robot buses to be more confident and to use them. Although the majority already indicates that they would use the shuttles if these kinds of vehicles were to help them in their daily travel.
The FABULOS User Acceptance summary report and non-user survey report can be read via the link. For the separate city reports, please follow the links below:
In Gjesdal, average scores indicate good experience. Automated shuttle bus has potential for daily use, but some hesitate. Automated shuttle bus usage without operator onboard would occur mainly during daytime. Many modes of transport could be replaced, in pilot walking, cycling & car. “Wider and permanent service in the city would be nice!”
Gjesdal user acceptance survey
In Helsinki, average scores indicate good experience. Automated shuttle bus has potential for daily use. Automated shuttle bus usage without operator onboard would occur during the daytime and during the night. Many modes of transport could be replaced, in pilot mainly walking. “Dynamic routing would be nice.”
Helsinki user acceptance survey
In Tallinn, average scores indicate good experience. Automated shuttle bus has potential for daily use. Automated shuttle bus usage without operator onboard would occur mainly during the day but also during the night. Automated shuttle bus has several feasible uses, including school bus. Many modes of transport could be replaced, in pilot mainly walking. “More routes in Tallinn and bigger buses!”
Tallinn user acceptance survey
In Lamia, average scores indicate very good experience. Automated shuttle bus has potential for daily use. Automated shuttle bus without operator onboard would be used during the day but also during the night. Many modes of transport could be replaced, in pilot mainly walking. According to participants, self-driving vehicles have potential as a school bus. “New and longer routes would be nice.”
Lamia user acceptance survey
In Helmond, passengers are mainly positive but some hesitation seen. Automated shuttle bus has potential for daily use. Automated shuttle bus without operator onboard would be used during the day or “always”. Many modes of transport could be replaced, in pilot mainly walking. “A lot of technological development is needed, but this is the future.”
Helmond user acceptance survey