Gjesdal is a small municipality close to Stavanger, the energy capital of Norway. The pilot route runs on the streets of Ålgård between residential detached house area located on top of a hill and a commercial area located in a valley, serving local shoppers and school kids. The central area that has gone through an award winning urban regeneration from 2014.

Municipality of Gjesdal hosts two pilots in the center of Ålgård. The first pilot was run by Saga consortium in the summer of 2020 and the second is executed by Sensible 4–Shotl consortium during the winter of 2020-2021. The consortium has two partners: Sensible4 from Finland and Shotl Transportation from Spain. Sensible 4 is providing the automated vehicles while Shotl is supplying a on demand technology.

The Gjesdal pilot route offers challenges in terms of the speed, incline of 10,3 % and partly restricted views on crossroads. The speed limits are between 30–50 km/hour and there are some steep hills along the route, as well as high trees. The route includes, for example, street side parking, turning left and right, one roundabout, a pedestrian bridge and 14 crossings with pedestrians.  There are no traffic lights on the route.

The technical specifications of the autonomous vehicles used in the pilot will be published in November.

More information:

Gjesdal Municipality
Trond Hansen
FABULOS Project Manager
Tel. +47 9750 6807

Sensible 4 Oy
Technical Marketing Manager
Tuomas Sauliala
Tel. +358 44 506 9891