The FABULOS Open Market Consultation, as announced in the Prior Information Notice on TED on 31 January 2018, was a preparation on a pre-commercial procurement challenge and request for tender. In September 2018, an international request for tender will be launched to acquire systems capable of operating fleets of automated minibuses within urban areas.

Successful procurement requires involving the technology companies and consortia from early on, to gain market insight on state of the art and future developments in the field of automated mini-buses. In order to achieve this, series of Open Market Consultation events were organised to refine and reposition the tender specifications.

Market Consultation events and webinars

During the Open Market Consultation events, the FABULOS challenge, vision and scope were presented alongside the pre-commercial procurement process. The Open Market Consultation events were especially targeted for suppliers, manufacturers, entrepreneurs, start-ups and other experts, who were able to consult in the following domains: Bus manufacturing and operations, software development (including smart routing ja fleet management), hardware (including sensors, radars and batteries),  public transport operations and Mobility as a Service

During the Open Market Consultation there were two international events held, one in Helsinki on the 26 April and another in Brussels on 14 May 2018.  Additionally, there were two webinars; first was held on 10 April and the second on 22 May 2018.

The presentation for the first webinar, held on 10 April 2018, is downloadable via this link. The Helsinki Open Market Consultation presentations are available for downloads here and the Brussels Open Market Consultation presentation is available here.

Expected results and outputs

On the basis of the results of the Open Market Consultation the Procuring Partners determined and fine-tuned the scope of the Request for Tenders and the evaluation criteria for the pre-commercial procurement. Therefore, during the Open Market Consultation, the Procuring Partners gained insight on the following questions:

  • What is currently on the market (state-of-the-art)?
  • Is the FABULOS challenge innovative enough?
  • Is the gap between the state-of-the-art industry solutions and the FABULOS challenge wide enough to justify R&D services of 5,5 Million Euros?
  • Is the scope of the FABULOS pre-commercial procurement challenge clear and realistic?
  • Is the FABULOS vision for the mobility service believable?
  • What is the most relevant evaluation criteria?
  • Can companies work with the vision of the operating system as defined by the Procuring Partners?
  • What skills and competences need to be presented by the companies responding to the challenge?
  • Which companies should response to the FABULOS challenge?

Additional information:
Conditions and terms
Budget for pre-commercial procurement
Open Market Consultation – Surveys
Questions & Answers