The FABULOS Open Market Consultation follows the conditions and terms:

  • The Open Market Consultation will be held in the FABULOS consortium’s common language of communication, i.e. English. The offers to the FABULOS request for tender can be submitted in English only.
  • The Procuring Partners must be able to use information without reservations. For this reason, the consortium will not honour any claims or reservations from parties on the use of information or confidentiality.
  • All costs in relation to this Open Market Consultation made by the Interested Party will be for its own account.
  • The Procuring Partners are without obligations to any parties. The Open Market Consultation does not imply any obligation to get involved in a legal relationship.

The Open Market Consultation is explicitly not part of any pre-qualification or selection process in the FABULOS pre-commercial procurement procedure. Participation in this Open Market Consultation gives no right to obtain a FABULOS (framework) contract. Responding to and/or attending the Open Market Consultation is not a prerequisite for participation in any subsequent procurement, nor can any right be derived from such participation. Information from this market consultation may differ from information provided in a future procurement.

The FABULOS pre-commercial procurement is exempted from the WTO Government Procurement Agreement, the EU public procurement directives and the national laws that implement them. This is due to the fact that FABULOS concerns the procurement of R&D services where the benefits do not accrue exclusively to the contracting authority for its use in the conduct of its own affairs.