The survey for suppliers is part of the FABULOS Open Market Consultation. The input of suppliers is crucial to the FABULOS Consortium since it enables to shape the request for tender launched on 1 September 2018. The survey also contributes to defining the evaluation criteria of the pre-commercial procurement process. Therefore, suppliers are kindly asked to answer the questions below as completely as possible. The survey for suppliers will be open between 3–17 April 2018.
When filling in the questionnaire, please keep the FABULOS challenge in mind: the design, development and testing of smart systems capable of operating a fleet of self-driving minibuses in urban environments. This enables the companies to develop an all-inclusive turnkey solution for the operations of an autonomous bus line. Solutions should include software, hardware, fleet and services. Furthermore, solutions must be tested and validated on a large-scale inside cities.
The results of the survey will be published in the Open Market Consultation Summary Report available on the FABULOS website by end of June 2018.
The survey has been closed.