In 2019, six one-hour webinar sessions will be organised on robot bus topics introducing basic concepts, specific terminology and technologies commonly encountered in the field of automated mobility. The target group is cities and procuring authorities: first and foremost the FABULOS Preferred Partners. In addition, other cities and procuring authorities can register for the webinars.

The topic of the fourth FABULOS Academy webinar is “Cyber security and threat mitigation”. The presenter is Juha Tretjakov, Cyber Security Expert in NCSC-FI, National Cyber Security Center Finland. Juha has previously acted as a mobility and security researcher and Project Manager in Helsinki University of Technology (currently known as Aalto University). His areas of expertise include, for example, cyber security, systems intelligence, risk management and threat mitigation.

10.30–11.30 Finnish time (CET+1), 3 September 2019

Webinar (link will be provided for those registered)

Please use the form below to register to this event. You can also pre-register for future webinars. Please note that the event confirmation will show the event in Finnish time (CET+1).