Open Market Consultation 14 May, Brussels

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Date(s) - 14.05.2018
13:30 - 17:00

Helsinki EU Office


The FABULOS consortium warmly welcomes you to the Open Market Consultation event to Brussels. The aim of the consultation is to gain market insight on state of the art and future developments in the field of automated mini-buses. In order to achieve this, the tender specifications need to be refined and repositioned in cooperation with the procurers, potential suppliers, bus manufacturers and other specialists in the fields of automated vehicles and urban public transport. Please register for the Brussels event by 4 May 2018.


13.30–14.00 Registration 

14.00–14.30 Introduction to FABULOS – Challenge, vision and scope 
Renske Martijnse-Hartikka, Coordinator FABULOS, Forum Virium Helsinki

14.30–14.55 FABULOS requirements and field testing 
Ulla Tikkanen, Technical Project Manager FABULOS, Forum Virium Helsinki

14.55–15.10 Pre-Commercial Procurement process
Hugo Goncalves, Pre-Commercial Procurement specialist, Forum Virium Helsinki

15.10–15.30 Coffee break

15.30–16.30 Parallel break-out sessions
Two groups to discuss the FABULOS challenge and the field testing approach in 30-minute sessions.

16.30–16.45 Questions & Answers

16.45–17.00 Wrap-up and next steps
Renske Martijnse-Hartikka, Coordinator FABULOS, Forum Virium Helsinki


Session 1: Service concept and design

Examples of key questions to be discussed in 30 minutes:

  • Is the challenge innovative enough and is the gap between the state-of-the-art industry solutions and the FABULOS challenge wide enough to justify R&D services of 5,5 Million Euros?
  • What would be the most relevant evaluation criteria?

Session 2: Field testing and commercialisation

Examples of key questions to be discussed in 30 minutes:

  • The FABULOS solution should be tested in a real-life, urban environment. What should be included of the service level agreement?
  • What would the most suitable business model for the FABULOS solution?
  • What is the market’s view on having two different use cases: one demand-driven route and one fixed route?